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Help Searching Patents
The are approximately 2600 searchable patents in each of the razor and stropper patent databases. At present the razor database is US only; however, the stropper database includes multiple countries.

These searchable patent databases are just a beginning. If you have additional lists, please provide them to Tom Willard in Word/Excel format. Others may add entries upon request.

The razor database includes razors and miscellaneous razor patents. The stropper database includes only stropper/sharpener related patents.

All patents by a particular inventor can now be easily searched (across multiple countries for stroppers). A patent number can be found for a particular date and vice versa.

Viewing US Patent Office images requires a TIFF plug-in available at Depending on your browser type (Internet Explorer or Netscape), choose the correct download version.
Entering Search Criteria
Select the country from the drop down menu. If no country is selected, all countries will be selected. The international country codes are: CA - Canada, CH - Switzerland, DE - Germany, DK - Denmark, FR - France, GB - United Kingdom and US - United States.
Enter the date. Enter January 9, 1909 as 1/9/1909 or simply 1909. If only the year is entered, all patents for that year will be selected. If no date is entered, all dates will be selected. Do not enter as 01/09/1909.
Patent Number:
Enter the patent number. If no patent number is entered, all patents will be selected. A partial patent number can be searched. Do not use a number with blanks. Click on the patent number to link to its corresponding patent office information. DRGM patents are not linked.
Search word or brand/trade name:
Enter a search word or brand/trade name. If nothing is entered, all patents will be selected.

Selecting the "x" in the drop down box will select only brand names. Entering "Allegro" or "Ingersoll" will select all patents having "Allegro" or "Ingersoll" in the description or brand name. To select only "Allegro" as the brand name, the "x" must be selected. See "Notes" below.
Enter the inventor's name. If nothing is entered, all inventors will be selected. It is best to enter only the last name.
No entries. The entire database will be selected.

Multiple entries. Selection based on "AND" operation of the multiple entries.

Unless the "x" is selected, records are sorted by patent number with design and reissue patents at the end of the list. "x" causes records to be sorted by brand.

Descriptions were annotated to allow searching by type, eg., blade holder, 1 roller, 2 rollers, 3 rollers, 4 rollers, pull cord, pull handles, like Ingersoll, like Allegro, etc. This helps in searching for a patent for a particular brand.

All database entries have been viewed in an attempt to identify the brand name. However, this involved guess work based on viewing patent images.

Many of the razor records were entered without a description. In most cases these were razor or safety razor.

Only about 1000 of the 2600 US database razor entries have been researched for brand name.

All razor related patents from the 1899 to 1940 US Patent Office Indexes are included. These indexes were provided by Robert Waits.

Viewing Search Results
Patents are sorted in the following order: country, type (Original, Design or Reissue) and number.

A link to the patent office is accomplished by clicking the patent number.